Products and Services
RF Field Probes And Monitors
These E-field laser probes contain an internal microprocessor that enables them to "think" for themselves and adapt to their environment. This provides optimal linearization, temperature compensation, control, and communication functions. AR's six E&H field probes cover the range from 100 kHz - 60 GHz, 0.4 to 1,000 V/m, 0.012 to 17 A/m.
The X-MWsystem from X-Microwave is a complete modular building block eco-system including a broad offering of RF and microwave components, an innovative Prototype Station and a FREE online System Simulator. The X-MWsystem can be used to seamlessly navigate thru the product development process from simulation to prototype to production hardware.
RF Probe 20 dB: 1205
The Aeroflex 1205 is a 20 dB passive 10:1 RF voltage probe featuring a rugged design, an internal 50 V DC block, low distortion, light RF loading characteristics, bandwidth operation of 100 kHz to 4 GHz, and more. The RF probe’s design allows RF test equipment users to use standard tracing techniques and comes with interchangeable ground clips that can adapt to a wide variety of applications. Monitoring or injecting signals up to 4 GHz into RF circuits without significantly loading or detuning them is possible through the 1205 RF probe.
Isotropic "E" Field Probe, 100 kHz to 3 GHz, 0.4 to 660 V/m
The FP7003 is a broadband isotropic electric field measurement instrument for use in EMC and EMI applications
RealProbe VEC-102
The RealProbe VEC-102 is an in-circuit, high-accuracy RF probe covering the 10-7000 MHz frequency range...