Satellite Products
X-Band Low Noise Block Converter: TLNB-7500AS
The TLNB-7500AS X-Band Low Noise Block Converter is specially designed for SATCOM applications. Utilizing state-of-the-art HEMT and GaAs FET technology, this block converter has been designed for both fixed and transportable applications.
CPI 250 Watt Peak TWTA
The CPI V-Band TWTA for Satellite Uplink Communications provides 100 watts of minimum power in a rugged and compact
weatherproof package. This V-Band is digital-ready, for wideband single- and multi-carrier satellite service over up to 4.2 GHz within the V-band frequency band and is ideal for fixed earth station applications. -
CPI Ka-Band: B3KO-A
The CPI 40 Ka-band provides up to 20 watts of linear power over any 2 GHz within the 27.5 - 31.0 GHz frequency range. An optional 1, 2, or 3 LO BUC is available to provide 500 - 1000 MHz, software switchable, within this band.
Power Amplifier: CMPA1C1D080F
The CMPA1C1D080F is a balanced, 3-stage amplifier generating 90W of saturated output power with a 12.75 - 13.25 GHz operating frequency range that is ideal for satellite communication applications.
27.5 - 31 GHz 10 Watt GaN Power Amplifier: QPA2211
The QPA2211 from Qorvo is a GaN Power Amplifier, ideally suited to support satellite communications and 5G infrastructure. Operating from 27.5 to 31 GHz, it achieves 5 W linear power with lower than −25 dBc intermodulation distortion products and 24 dB small signal gain.
Ka Band UpConverter With Synth (27 to 31 GHz): ADMV4530
The ADMV4530 is a highly integrated upconverter with an inphase/quadrature (I/Q) mixer that is ideally suited for next generation Ka band satellite communications. The ADMV4530 upconverter comes in a RoHs compliant, 6 mm × 6 mm, 40-terminal land grid array (LGA) package and operates over the −40°C to +85°C case temperature range.
150 W VHF/UHF SPDT RF Switch With 4 µS Switching Speed: NuSwitch VU150MH01
The NuSwitch VU150MH01 from NuWaves is a high speed, low loss SPDT switch designed to deliver up to 150 W of power handling for a variety of UHF/VHF applications. This switch is also suitable for use in military, aerospace, and satellite communication applications, as well as in RF front end modules, half-duplex RF systems, and test and measurement instrumentation.
DC-22 GHz Distributed Amplifier: CMD240C4
Qorvo offers the CMD240C4 wideband GaAs MMIC distributed amplifier housed in a leadless 4x4 mm surface mount package. The amplifier operates from DC to 22 GHz and is ideal for radar, space, satcom, test and measurement, and electronic warfare applications.
“Plug & Play” Fiber Optic Link Components: SBL-4000
L3 Narda-MITEQ’s SBL series of fiber optic link components are designed to supply high performance, “plug & play” fiber optic link components for linear and some digital applications. The SBT-4000 fiber optic transmitter and the SBR-4000 fiber optic receiver can transport RF signals within the frequency range of 10 MHz to 4 GHz, over tens of kilometers of standard single mode optical fiber.
Rack Mount Extended Frequency Remote Spectrum Analyzer: EVO-RSA-6070A
Avcom offers the new EVO-RSA-6070A as part of the EVO Series of rack mount analyzers. This extended frequency remote spectrum analyzer is designed to operate in the 70 MHz – 6 GHz frequency range. This SDR-style technology analyzer with a wide bandwidth receiver, employing FPGA, DSP, and high-performance processors. The analyzer is based on a hybrid swept-FFT technology which provides extended frequency range and higher resolution.